邓贤兰, 陈霞霞, 张争光

Fruit Shape and Micromorphological Characteristics of Pericarp Surface of 18 Lamiaceae Plant in Jinggangshan Area
Xian-Lan DENG, Xia-Xia CHEN, Zheng-Guang ZHANG
图版Ⅱ 电镜下9种唇形科植物的果实表面微形态特征
1~2. 藿香;3. 广防风;4. 风轮菜;5~6. 细风轮菜;7~8. 香薷;9~10. 海州香薷;11. 小野芝麻;12~13. 錾菜;14~15. 益母草
PlateⅡ Fruit micromorphological features of pericarp surface of 9 Lamiaceae plants under SEM
1~2. Agastache rugosa;3. Anisomeles indica;4. Clinopodium chinense;5~6. Clinopodium gracile;7~8. Elsholtzia ciliata;9~10. Elsholtzia splendens;11. Galeobdolon chinensis;12~13. Leonurus pseudomacranthus;14~15. Leonurus artemisia